That happened to me the other day. I had already prepared this week's albums, and as I was putting them on my iPod so that I could listen to them on my way to sleep, or as I call it, "The Land of Sugar and Whales," my computer crashed. I tried the better part of the next twelve hours attempting to repair it, and nothing worked. I tried resetting the computer's settings to a previous state, I tried backing up my files on an external drive - I even tried crying and pounding my head against a wall. Nothing worked.
What I'm saying is this week's post will end up being (sssssssshocking) late. Probably by a day or two, but let's not rule out a week or indefinitely. But it'll probably just take a week. I need to go back through the Acclaimed Music archives, figuring out what I want to review for each year, getting the music and then, of course, listening to it and reviewing it for you, my beloved reader. I use the singular form of reader because judging by the comments section, my wife is the only person who reads this, and it's more for spelling and grammar than for actual content. I feel like I should missspell a word or something, just to make things interesting for her.
What will likely happen this week will be three reviews of albums that aren't on Acclaimed Music. Stuff that's either too weird or outside the mainstream or indie or whatever. Maybe a really, really bad album by an artist I like. Who knows? Not me. I'm exhausted. I couldn't have picked a better week to not write - I've been going to zoos and theme parks and shit all week, and I'm plumb tuckered out. See you soon.
Grosses bises,
Josh Grimmer
PS - Within moments of posting this, my wife informed me that the word "plumb," as in "plumb tuckered out" has a "b" at the end. I told you.
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